The Veritas Foundation

The Veritas Foundation is the charitable affiliate of Veritas Forensic Accounting & Economics. The Veritas Foundation is a tax-deductible, non-profit organization that provides financial and material support to feed the hungry, shelter the poor, and clothe the destitute. The Foundation seeks to provide impoverished families and disabled children with resources to instill hope and build a bright future!

100% of your donations go directly to those in need.
All administrative costs are funded by specific donors who have pledged their support for such purposes.

Stepping Into Uncharted Waters

Podcast Published by PushPay

In this episode, Hailey, board member of the Veritas Foundation, shares how the Lord is faithfully providing for blind and visually impaired children at Paul School for the Blind in Sierra Leone.

Through the generosity of donors, children who once were so malnourished they couldn’t stay awake are now thriving and hopeful for their future.

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Sierra Leone

The World Bank establishes poverty lines worldwide where individuals haven’t the resources to acquire basic needs such as food, clothing, or shelter. Strikingly, the poverty line for the 33 poorest countries is a mere $1.90 per person per day. Not surprisingly, US dollars spent wisely in these countries have the greatest capacity to lift individuals out of poverty.

Ken Diebner’s Testimony

I lived in Bo, Sierra Leone, for a year between 2015 and 2016 to serve the needy and impoverished. I filled the positions needed to coordinate between international partners and to provide financial mentorship at the Child Rescue Center and Mercy Hospital in Bo. In early 2017, I returned to Sierra Leone as a Good Will Ambassador after founding a service project called Operation 29:11, which is designed to give children and impoverished families a vision of hope and the promise of a bright future. Such work has included initiatives to spread God’s Word, help the disabled, bring clean water to local schools, and create a farming project that would feed an entire village for years. I am currently focused on providing a proper education and improving living conditions for 65 children at the Paul Home for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Bo. The goal is to help these children grow into self-sustaining adults and bless them as they mature. Seeing such joy on the children’s faces when they know that someone cares for their well-being adds meaning to life and fuels my passion to teach them how to overcome their challenges.

“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.” Proverbs 18:16

In accordance with the Veritas Foundation’s mission to feed the hungry, shelter the poor, and clothe the destitute, the Foundation is providing aid to the Paul School for the Blind in Bo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. We currently provide the children with food, clothing, and healthcare. We are also in the process of reconstructing worn-out buildings such as the kitchen and restrooms. An updated kitchen and restroom will protect sight-impaired children from injuring their feet on broken tiles and from acquiring diseases from contaminated atmospheres. We hope to continue to bless the children as they grow up and provide them with skills to pursue any career they choose! As the Veritas Foundation grows, the organization will expand its reach from Sierra Leone to provide aid to further impoverished countries of the world.

Questions about the Foundation?

Hailey would love to answer any questions you may have. You can reach her via email at or simply click on her image.

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